Debt Distress Rescue is Australia’s trusted partner in debt recovery and resolution. We are a team of seasoned insolvency professionals, dedicated to providing clear, compassionate, empathetic and comprehensive support to businesses and individuals facing financial struggles. Based in Queensland with affiliated offices in all Australian States and the Northern Territory, we have been servicing Australians and businesses for decades, providing true local support when you need it the most.
At Debt Distress Rescue we believe in the power of early intervention through a proactive approach. Our services extend beyond rescuing businesses from immediate challenges and into the implementation of sustainable, long-term strategies centred around financial growth, health, and prosperity.
We specialise in an array of services designed to alleviate financial pressure and provide a clear path forward:
Expert guidance on Liquidation, Voluntary Administration (VA), Deeds of Company Arrangement (DOCA), Personal Insolvency Agreement(PIA) and Bankruptcy ensuring businesses and their corporate or personal owners resolve
their financial obligations effectively.
Specialist services for all types of disputes and litigation matters, ensuring timely and cost-effective resolutions.
Expert solutions for qualifying businesses to navigate through challenges and restructure effectively.
Debt refinancing, restructuring and payment plan negotiations.
Our team comprises accredited insolvency experts and experienced business advisors who bring a wealth of experience and compassion to every case. We pride ourselves on our ability to understand the complexities of each unique situation so that we can offer you customised solutions tailored to your situation, solutions that last.
See Why Choose Us to hear about our staff and firm memberships, registrations and licences held with relevant Australian Regulatory bodies.
We recognise our corporate responsibility and the importance of sustainable practices. Debt Distress Rescue is committed to making positive contributions to our community by encouraging our team to engage in charitable work and ensuring our operations make positive contributions to the professional space.
Debt Distress Rescue is always on the lookout for passionate professionals to join our team. If you’re committed to making a difference in the world of business recovery and insolvency, we’d love to hear from you.
Navigating financial distress requires a steady hand and expert support. Contact Debt Distress Rescue today for a free consultation and take the first step towards financial recovery and a sustainable financial future
Rodgers Reidy (QLD) Pty Ltd ACN 117 655 973
Incorporated and registered in Australia.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
Facing financial challenges?
We’re here to help. Reach out for a free, confidential consultation.
Level 2A, Xile House, 181 Elizabeth Street, Brisbane Qld 4000
GPO Box 471, Brisbane Qld 4001