Liquidators and Trustees who conduct formal corporate and personal insolvency appointments are one of the most highly regulated professions in Australia. Despite this, advice about informal arrangements can be provided by totally unregulated parties who are not answerable to any government regulatory or membership bodies. While that is not to say that any advice provided by unregulated parties may be unsound, it does mean that if you have any queries or concerns about the advice received, or actions taken by the advisor on your behalf, you do not have the option to raise those queries or concerns with any government regulatory or membership bodies that the advisor is answerable to.
All our directors are Registered Liquidators who are registered with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) under the Corporations Act 2001. We recommend that financial distress advice in relation to companies is only sought from ASIC Registered Liquidators as appearing on the ASIC website at this link..
All our directors are Professional Members of the Australian Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association (ARITA). We recommend that business related financial distress advice is only sought from members as appearing on the ARITA website at this link., or members of The Association of Independent Insolvency Practitioners (AIIP) appearing on their website at this link.
All our directors are full members of either Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand (CA ANZ) or CPA Australia (CPA). We recommend that business related financial distress advice is only sought from members as appearing on the CA ANZ website or confirmed with CPA directly as a current member.
Two of our three directors are Registered Trustees who are registered with the Australian at this linkFinancial Security Authority (AFSA) under the Bankruptcy Act 1966. We recommend that financial distress advice in relation to formal personal insolvency appointments (Personal Insolvency Agreements (PIAs) and Bankruptcy) is only sought from AFSA Registered Trustees as appearing on the AFSA website at this link.
All our directors and our firm are Registered Tax Agents who are registered with the Australian Government Tax Practitioners Board (TPB). We recommend that financial distress advice in relation to informal and negotiation options to deal with ATO Debt is only sought from TPB Registered Tax Agents as appearing on the TPB website at this link.
Our firm holds an Australian Credit Licence issued by the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (NCCPA). We recommend that financial distress advice, defined as a credit service and/or credit assistance under the NCCPA, in relation to informal and negotiation options to deal with any debt is only sought from Australian Credit Licence holders as appearing as a Credit Licensee on the ASIC Connect website at this link.
Rodgers Reidy (QLD) Pty Ltd ACN 117 655 973
Incorporated and registered in Australia.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
Facing financial challenges?
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Level 2A, Xile House, 181 Elizabeth Street, Brisbane Qld 4000
GPO Box 471, Brisbane Qld 4001